The General Secretary of the opposition NDC has shed emotional tears over the sudden death of his Godfather and founder of their party, Jerry John Rawlings.
Asiedu Nketiah started his political career as secretary/interpreter to the late former President during his regime. Although, their relationship turned upside down later, even before his untimely death.

However, during an event to honor the late Ghanaian leader on Sunday, Asiedu step on the podium to deliver his tribute, but emotions engulfed him as he ended up shedding uncontrollable tears.

He said “President Rawlings when he was alive, did not take pleasure in monuments being named after him. In fact, there were several occasions where he resisted the attempt to name monuments after him. His life also shows that he abhors ostentatious living and ostentatious funerals and ceremonies…He kept reminding us that the best tribute we can keep in his memory is to hold dearly the principles of June 4 based upon which the NDC was established“.