The government is doing enough already, yet people want him to provide essential items like food n other provisions. It will be very nice if he does so, but the big question is; Does he have that capacity to do so?
What are most churches and other religious bodies doing?
This is the time to fulfil what Jesus said, “when I was hungry, u didn’t feed me” Churches have closed their generous heart and have decided not to do the necessity. If churches are just to provide one small bag of rice and oil to the individual members. What will this action cause them?
Most churches preach virtues and practice vices. This kind of attitude amidst churches slow down economic growth and development.
Undoubtedly most church denominations like Roman, Methodist, Pentecost, Baptist, and many others from the earlier days administration have really contributed to the general growth of the country. To talk of schools, hospitals and other vital social amenities.
The story of today churches have quietly swayed from the good deeds the key founders started. In the good old days; The church use to feed people, now the table has turned people feed the church regardless of huge sum of money the church is making.
The concept of love and giving is now an irony in disguise.
This is the impeccable time to restore our faith and good deeds as Christians thereby emulating our lord and personal Saviour.
God bless all churches who have taken it upon themselves to be there for one another at this critical point in our lives.
God bless Ghana
Kumasi’s finest MC and a Banker

By Our Guest Contributor | Gyamfi Jantuah Richmond (@McJantuah)