Final year pupils of Junior High School (JHS) and students of Senior High School (SHS) are expected to take their exit exam after June 29 and 22 respectively.
In an update by the Ministry of Education, JHS pupils will resume for official learning on June 29, and take an eleven-week extensive tutorial after which they will write their final examination from September 14 to September 18, 2020.
SHS final year students on the other hand will report to school on June 22, after which they will write their exam six weeks later, from August 3 to September 4, 2020.

However, same questions may not be set wholly for West Africa as countries are uniquely managing their educational system following the outbreak of Coronavirus.
To this effect, the Ghana office of the West African Examination Council is in charge of setting questions for the ‘Ghana Exam’, a new name for the West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

A latest document from the Ministry said the classes for the final year students in SHS will be split with not more than 25 students in attendance.

Additionally, JHS will have 30 pupils for classes which will start from 9:am to 1:pm each day with no breaks outside the classroom.