China Now Selling Toys Of Popular Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearers (Photos)


China is reportedly started selling toys of popular Ghanaian dancing pallbearers.

The Nana Otadrija pall-bearing and waiting service group have now become global superstars due to their dancing skills and organised style they deliver their service at funerals.

They are now used as internet memes and the Ghanaian dancing pallbearers are the hottest on the internet currently amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Skits have been created by people across the globe but China have reportedly gone the extra mile as they have capitalized on the Ghanaian pallbearers shine to make money off it.

A company reportedly in China have created toys from the famous Ghanaian pallbearers.

Deducing from the website, the prices of the toys range from $ 40 to $60.

We cannot tell if the Nana Otafrija pall-bearing and waiting service group are aware of this innovation by the Chinese company.

China Now Selling Toys Of Popular Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearers
China Now Selling Toys Of Popular Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearers

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