Doctors say you need more liquid in your system during harmattan but probably not soft drinks. So I ask, which type of drinks? Is it Alcoholic drinks?
Let’s label the question above as rhetorical. with the help of our Doctors have compiled these 8 tips to help vibeweekers (Vibeweek Fans) through this though Harmattan Season.

These advice come at a time when Ghanaians are experiencing Harmattan across the entire country especially those at the Capital city of Accra.
Here are the 8 tips to help you feel a bit relieve this Harmattan Season.
- Drink lots of fluids. 3 litres everyday. Water, tea and fruit juice is okay. Fluids prevent dehydration, dry skin, dry mouth, cracked lips and dry eyes. Best to stay away from soft drinks. They end up making you dehydrated even further.
- Take lots of vegetables and fruits. Weed is NOT a vegetable. Let’s be guided. By vegetables, I mean leafy greens like the ones we use for soups. Vegetables help your immune system. Bananas, oranges, pineapple, watermelons, apples, pear etc are good.

- Take a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. Like a small water bottle- it helps stay hydrated and reminds you always of need to drink water. Put fruits in your car, in your bag (and child’s school bag), on your table at work and at home. That’s a good way not to forget.

- For dust, Try to wear a facemask or use a face towel especially when the dust gets so much. Keep your doors and windows closed. Especially if your house is around places where there’s a lot of untarred roads or dusty areas. You must do your best to avoid dust in this period.

- If you have running nose, blocked nose or headache, Drink lots of fluids, Use paracetamol 2 tablets every eight hours for few days if the headache is serious, Rest, avoid stress, If you get allergies- as earlier advised, use antihistamine tablets like loratadine or cetirizine.
- Asthmatic Patients should always have their blue ventolin inhaler IN THEIR POCKET. NOT in your wardrobe at home. NOT in your car. NOT anywhere far from you. It MUST be in your pocket. AT ALL TIMES. You know why? If you get an asthma attack That blue ventolin inhaler may save your life.

- Use good moisturizing lotions to keep your skin moist– it helps you avoid dry cracking skin. Get good lip gloss and a lip balm too. It helps you prevent your lips from getting sore and peeling. Take some vitamin C too if you can get some. That would really help. Ask at pharmacy

- Get lemon/lime and put in warm water. Add some honey if you have. You can drink this at intervals. It’s a good way to stay hydrated. And it also prevents sore dry throat. It will NOT harm you if you try it out. Wear socks, hand gloves and a headwarmer to stay warm. It’s okay.
