1) Make lunch together/ Get take outs:
Cooking with your significant other can be a lot of fun any day anytime, as you guys would basically cook with love and fight over who will do what, you also get to bond with each other by tasting the food from time to time as long as you don’t finish it before it is ready and then you finally sit to enjoy your meal. This will work better if you buy your ingredients ahead of time. If you do not want to cook, you can get take-out and eat together at home this beautiful Valentine.

2) Have a staring contest:
Sit on a couch, facing each other and gaze at yourselves, the first person to blink will do anything the other person asks of him or her.

3) Have a karaoke night:
If you guys are lucky, you might both have lovely voices or at most one person will likely have a froggy voice but will never stop blasting it to your lovely ears. So pick 5 of your best songs each and sing it to each other by taking turns one after the other. Make sure you’re recording so the best performer gets a prize.
4) Make a bucket list of 15 questions each about yourselves and ask each other:
Want to find out how much your boo knows you, play this interesting game and you’ll be surprised how much you still need to know about yourselves, especially guys who are not the very best people to remember stuff.
5) Play video games:
For ladies who do not know how to play video games, this is the time to ask bae to teach you and both of you can squash that game with all the love you have for each other as you lose and win together.
6) Draw/Paint each other:
Don’t worry if both of you are not artistic, you just need to make a deliberate effort to the best of your abilities and then frame the drawings when you’re done.

7) Have a spa night:
Foot and general body massage, when you get it, you’ll know that there’s got to be a God up there, somewhere that answers prayers, warm bubble baths, with spices, oils, and scented candles will shoot you straight to cloud nine by the time you open your eyes.

8) Make a campfire in the backyard:
When you do this, throw-in a blanket around yourselves, to keep you from cold and mosquitoes and count the stars together, while telling your tales by moonlight of how you met and got to be together till this day.
9) See movies together:
This list would be incomplete without watching romantic films together, so go ahead and check out favorite romantic movies before Valentine and have fun on this precious day.

10) Write a gratitude list:
Make a list of what you are grateful for individually and read it aloud to each other, you can also pray together and thank God for sustaining your relationship.
Discussing your future plans shouldn’t be overlooked likewise. You can complete your valentine tete a tete by presenting each other with gifts you both would appreciate.
These are our 10 ideas for a stay at home valentine in case you do not want to go out to the busy streets as the celebration hits us this weekend. If these are helpful let us know in our mentions, while adding your tips as well.