Rev. Obofour storms father-in-law’s funeral in vintage car

The Founder and Leader of Anointed Palace Chapel, Francis Antwi, popularly known as Reverend Obofour, over the weekend showed class at his father-in-law’s funeral at Akrokerri in the Ashanti region. The popular pastor shut the whole town down when he stormed the funeral ground in a vintage vehicle. He was there to support his wife, […]

Live Streaming: Final Funeral rites of the Late Kofi B (Watch)

The late highlife musician, Kofi B has finally been laid to rest today Saturday, November 7, 2020 at his home town (Akyem Agogo) in the Ashanti region. Kofi B was reported to have suffered a heart attack prior to performing at a concert in Cape Coast on February 2, 2020, and was pronounced dead on […]

Late Nsuta Chief’s Funeral Turns Bloody as Stray Bullets hit 3

Three persons are in critical condition after they were hit by stray bullets fired at the one-week funeral rite of the paramount chief of Nsuta in the Sekyere Central District of the Ashanti Region. The victims are Abena Boahemaa, 11; Abena Boatemaa, 10; and Adusei Poku, 23. DSP Charles Atuah, the Nsuta District Police Commander […]