Why COVID-19 vaccinators are not wearing gloves

It has been explained that the wearing of gloves is not part of the protocols for the COVID-19 vaccination programme. The protocol is that, the vaccinator sanitizes the hands after every process and intermittently washes the hands. According to Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr Anthony Nsiah Asare, “that is the most important thing to do,” […]
US approves antiviral drug remdesivir for covid-19 treatment

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now given emergency approval for the drug remdesivir to be used for coronavirus treatment. US President Donald Trump who made the announcement said the move is very significant. The CEO of Gilead, the company which developed the drug also described as an important first step and would donate 1.5 […]
Check out six new symptoms of coronavirus

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has added six new symptoms of the coronavirus to its website as officials grapple with gauging the illness’s scope. The new symptoms for the disease are chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell, the CDC said. The list already included fever, […]
Covid-19: List of FDA approved hand sanitisers in Ghana

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), is urging the public to patronise only hand sanitisers approved by the Authority. Chief Executive Officer of the FDA, Mrs Delese Darko, has presented a list of registered sanitisers to prevent the public from patronising unregistered and substandard ones. The approved hand sanitisers include AFRICAHAND SANITIZER (Ethanol 70%), 2BD […]
No Gym Equipment Needed: 7 Best Exercises You Can Do At Home

In this 7 Best Home Exercises, n0 gym equipment is needed. When it comes to going to the gym, most of us are very lazy and we don’t get that time to hit the gym amidst our hectic lifestyle. The expenses are not that low and we have to take that in consideration as well. […]
7 Important facts about all the 136 cases of COVID-19 so far

1. 58 out of the total 136 cases confirmed were from the regular surveillance systems This means that Ghana has identified four new cases among the general public and not the people who have been put under mandatory quarantine. The total number of confirmed cases among those in mandatory quarantine still stands at 78. 2. […]
WHO debunks 14 common ‘Stories’ about coronavirus disease; these are what you should know

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has exposed the falseness in popular beliefs held by some people about the dreaded coronavirus disease. Below are some of the 14 common myths about the disease which has claimed the lives of more than 10,000 people around the globe as at Thursday, March 19, and the facts presented by […]
Beware! Houseflies can transmit Coronavirus – GHS (Video)

It has been revealed that houseflies can transmit the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The Director-General of the Ghana Health Service (GHS), Dr Patrick Aboagye, disclosed that houseflies can transmit the virus, especially in a dirty environment. “That’s why we say clean surfaces regularly and well…” he answered to a question as to whether houseflies and mosquitoes […]
Coronavirus: People with this blood type might be more susceptible – Study

People with blood type A might be more vulnerable to the coronavirus, while those with type O blood could be more resistant, according to a new preliminary study from China. Researchers studying COVID-19 in its outbreak epicenter, Wuhan, and the city of Shenzhen found the proportion of Type-A patients both infected and killed by the disease to […]
How you can tell the difference between a common cold and Coronavirus

Coronavirus is known to have several nasty symptoms, ranging from a fever to breathing difficulties. However, COVID-19 also shares many characteristics with the common cold, making it tricky to know if you have it. After studying 138 patients, scientists at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University have been able to produce a day-by-day breakdown of the typical […]